Most viewers were unaware of this incident and most media outlets failed to report on it, but outside the Dolby Theater, there were over 400 picketers protesting the poor state of the visual effects industry. Although it was being ignored on the televised broadcast, it started gaining momentum online during the ceremony, and is finally getting the media attention it was lacking.
So what is the protest about?
The film Life of Pi was nominated for Visual Effects (and won!), but sadly the studio that did the effects for the movie (Rhythm & Hues) had to file for bankruptcy a few weeks ago, and laid off close to 250 employees. The protest was named "A Piece of the Pi" to show that the VFX studio behind the film wasn't getting their share of its success.
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Photo credit: @tvaziri ( |
This tragic story is just one example of the poor state of the VFX industry. With overseas competition, domestic VFX houses have been surviving on less than 5% profit margins, and other studios have gone bankrupt as well (see: Digital Domain). Supporters decided it was time to raise awareness to figure out how to stop this from continuing, so they set up a protest outside the Oscars.
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Photo credit: Left - Right - (thank you Mike) |
Sadly, the media did not report on the protest at all, and there was no mention of it on the televised broadcast. But the Internet can always be counted on in cases like these, to get the truth out there.
When Life of Pi won for Visual Effects, everyone was listening intently to hear any mention of the protest happening outside. But when Bill Westenhofer was done giving his thank yous and tried turning the subject to Rhythm & Hues, the orchestra music obnoxiously drowned him out until his mic was turned off (watch the video here).
When this happened, the #VFXProtest hashtag on Twitter went nuts calling foul play:
The next opportunity for visibility came when Ang Lee gave his speech for winning Best Director for Life of Pi. While he did thank "all 3,000 people" who worked on the movie, he didn't mention Rhythm & Hues by name (possibly just an oversight), and that enraged the protestors and fueled the fire even further:
So let's view the reality of the situation. Even if these 2 incidents were unrelated to the protest, it still seems like the Academy handled this situation poorly. The speech being cut off could have been purely about Westenhofer going over his time limit. And Ang Lee may have honestly just forgotten to mention them in all his excitement. But the damage has been done. People are angry, and the events from tonight are only fueling that anger further.
In the hours since the Oscars ended, throngs of people are changing their profile picture to a solid green square. This represents a green screen, which temporarily substitutes for effects during a film shoot so they can be added later. It looks like it started from the Facebook group VFX Solidarity, which has been "liked" more than 7,000 times since last night.
This movement seems to be just getting started. It will be interesting to see how big it gets, despite being ignored by the Oscars. To me, it represents the Internet's ability to reach beyond corporations and businesses, and get the truth out there.
My hope is that it really does raise awareness to these issues, and make it possible for real discussions to be had. They will need to start thinking about tangible solutions, but as we've seen before, the first step to solving any problem is to raise awareness. The success of the film industry depends on it.
Read more here:
Watch the Visual Effects speech cutoff
Hear the backstage post-interview after the speech cutoff
An open letter to Ang Lee from a VFX artist
Variety article about plans to protest the Oscars
An explanation of VFX subsidies and what needs to be fixed
Rhythm & Hues website (which ironically isn't loading for me)
Reddit thread about the incident
An Anonymous offering to crash the Oscars site. I don't approve but still say, go Internet!
Fantastic. The first person to give us a proper run down. Thank you. May the Internet gods rain a billion views on your beautiful blog.
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And my Suit
ReplyDeletereally you Tony ?
Delete*throws eggs at Tony Stark* OMG FERTILIZE THEM!!!
DeleteExpect that suit to turn into a law suit!
DeleteThank you for reporting on this, and spreading the word a bit.
ReplyDeleteIf the plight of Rhythm and Hues was so important to the winner, perhaps he should have made them the first thing he mentioned.
ReplyDeleteAs a casual observer I'd have to say there's no conspiracy here, they talked for LONG time after the warning music came up - and finally they had to shut him down.
And, oh btw, he said enough that i went and googled Rhythm and Hues to see what he was talking about.
Ang Lee's speech (with no mention of VFX) = 158 seconds
DeleteAwkward intro to award where Avengers cast snub importance of VFX = 131 second
Time given to award winning VFX team before they were played off (by the Jaws theme, FFS) = 43 seconds.
Does that sound fair to you, Mike?
Explains the Avengers stumble. Robert Downery Jr. at least tried to be respectful.
ReplyDeleteThere's always going to be competition. Shit, everything is out-source these days. THere's people starving and working 18 hours in a factory just to have 2 meals a day somewhere in the world. And all this sour grape over not being "thanked"? or not having enough time? FACE IT. Even if they ALL acknowledge the VFX team, it will still go bankrupt. Sad but true.
ReplyDeleteThis is about WAY more than not being thanked. Its about an industry that is highly unstable. We just want to keep our jobs without companies going under all the time. We want to be able to have access to health care, normal working hours instead of the 12-16 hr work days often with overtime that goes unpaid, the ability to be able to save for retirement (no 401k's) and otherwise have a life doing what we love earning a wage you could actually live on while being able to see your family. Like all the REST of the film industry. Why should we be the only ones who are not treated as human beings? Just because our area of interest is fairly new (20 years) and came after every other segment of the industry had fairness and guild/union representation installed (for the same reasons) decades ago.
DeleteTHIS, all over the place.
DeleteNot to mention, the VFX industry is directly responsible for the majority of what makes Americans and human beings in general happy now. A fake world that you couldn't POSSIBLY imagine or see otherwise.
The company went belly up and had to fire 250 people one week after winning an Oscar for best SFX ?
DeleteIs that not real enough for you?
I noticed the awkward cut-off (more awkward than others) and was wondering about it. Thanks for sharing the backstory. Interesting stuff. So...what can be done?
ReplyDelete...imagine a world where ALL vfx artists close their Houdini , Maya and Nuke sessions. Imagine a world where ALL vfx artists shut down their workstations. Wouldn't that be hard to ignore for the film industry ? For instance Ang Lee should learn how to make "cheap" effects himself ? Wouldn't that be a lot of fun ?
DeleteI sure wish we can do that! Unfortunately there will always be cheaper options those greedy pigs can get their hands on. If only every single underpaid, overworked VFX artist, especially the desperate ones in the Asian region, will fight for their rights instead of accepting the bare minimum. But they don't realise they have the option to protest because they have to survive, if even on just pittance. Such a vicious cycle.
DeleteGo on facebook and join in the VFX protest by changing your profile pic to a blank green image
Deletewhat will changing my profile picture achieve ? Maybe I should create a post where every Like=1$...right?
DeleteConspiracy aside, if you can't make it on 5% margins you're either not billing enough, or going about business in the wrong way. Instead of protesting, maybe they should be working on their business model.
Delete"Maybe they should be working on their business model"
DeleteSays a guy who clearly does NOT work in the VFX industry. They aren't selling widgets, They don't have an assembly line which makes estimating supply costs easy. They aren't making fictional derivatives or other complex financial scams that pay billions for nothing. There are only limited avenues to advertise their products. Suppliers are often hard to reach for quotes or randomly raise prices. They're competing with people who live in a communist country which manipulates it's currency. They use a highly sophisticated skill set which takes decades to develop and must be constantly refreshed. They are quietly responsible for the awe of millions without ever being personally recognized for that effort, either financially or with accolades.
Maybe if we were talking about one effects house I might agree with you on the business model. But this is EVERYBODY. There aren't ANY effects houses that are sitting on a fat cushion of spare capital. Everybody is struggling. And if I hear one more sanctimonious ass-hat try and frame effects artists as lazy, I want to see them show some evidence that they've gone a year without a single day off like I have for multiple years. Or lived in his car for months at a time or juggled credit cards to pay suppliers or lost out a low-bid contract to a Taiwanese house that just underbid your lowest possible offer. VFX artists live on ramen and coffee while their awards go to those who drop a grand on a business lunch.
Nice to see you refused to post under any name at all, Mr. 'Unknown'. Way to show the courage of your convictions.
If it's that bad,then get a different job.
DeleteThank you gb Designs.
DeleteI disagree dg designs that many effects houses having problems means it's not a bad business model - it's actually definitive. They should unionize.
DeleteWouldn't work unless you could get the entire globe of vfx artist to do it simultaneously. There will always be houses willing to prostrate themselves for the scraps. If it was only the U.S. where the industry lived, then yes, unionizing would have a chance. That chance has long passed I fear.
Delete"people who live in a communist country which manipulates it's currency". Way to summarize a whole country and be political. To you, all these people are faceless and piece of shit. In reality, most of the people want the same thing, that is to make a good living.
DeleteIt is called capitalism. Film studio are laughing to the banks.
DeleteWOW !!
ReplyDeleteSo, Oscar should see the studio behind all of the movie too instead just objective on the movie instead? Great, just drop Life of Pi from its Oscar Award, done.
ReplyDeleteread the article again, please.
DeleteYep, it's too bad most people don't know that the digital art in films to comic books are all being outsourced to other countries. Such compassionate, non-greedy entertainment industry, eh?
ReplyDeleteShared everywhere I could, thanks so much for getting the word out there!
ReplyDeleteSamuel L. Jackson also purposely skipped the part on the teleprompter where it gives credit to the vfx community, at which point Mark Ruffalo cut him off and called him out for "skipping the huge chunk". At which Robert Downey Jr. mentioned and gave due credit to the vfx community, while Samuel L. Jackson continued to try to hush them and speed it along. What a douchebag. Thank you Mark Ruffalo and Robert Downey Jr., for watching out for us!!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering what was going on there, too!! That's ridiculous.
DeleteWow, that's incredible. I went and watched it and Robert Downey Jr. looked like he was really irritated with Samuel L Jackson being such a dick. When they accepted the award, they had to wait a full 10 seconds for the applause, so from the time they started actually talking, they only gave them 44 seconds before starting the Jaws music. And cut the mic off right when he said, "I urge you all to remember...." I do agree though that he should have brought this up earlier in his speech.
DeleteThis is only important if you have no scope on what is important. This week 1000's of teachers are slated to lose their jobs. This week women will be murdered in honor killings by their Muslim fathers, brothers, and uncles. This week children will die because CEO's would rather make a buck than cure sickness even though they could. Women are losing control of their bodies and civil rights are being denied but what you lot are all concerned about is whether or not people in Hollywood who got educations in the least meaningful realm get their fair share of money. This movie gave you nothing and to believe otherwise means your view on survival and humanity is skewed as children are beaten by their foster parents, as hunger lines the streets, but if only the people in Hollywood who make movies could just get their fair share, everything would be okay right? If you think this is important then you are socially diseased.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of things wrong with the world. Who are you to say persons concerned about fair pay for artists don't also care about women's rights, funding for education, and impoverished children? I care about all of the above, and I'm sure many of the people here do too. Just because there are multiple causes to be championed doesn't invalidate any of them. Calling VFX artists "people in Hollywood who got educations in the least meaningful realm" is not only rude but ignorant. Artists are extraordinarily important, and I believe that the ability to craft fictional worlds into reality to aid the storytelling process is a very powerful, important task. I know that personally, the fictional worlds constructed by writers, illustrators, film makers, and so forth have saved my life dozens of times over. I became an artist in the hopes of giving something back, to help tell stories and craft universes to brighten the lives of others. The artists of Rhythm & Hues and studios like them deserve more respect than that classification. I would beg to differ that what they do is some of the most meaningful work there is: art by its very nature examines life and breathes meaning into its otherwise mundane futility. Generally I dislike commenting on articles and blogs, but I could not let your comment stand without reply.
DeleteHi Sir, please don't get us wrong but let's face this fact from a smaller scale and maybe you can understand more about the protest... Imagine this, you worked on a job and is promised a pay (naturally that is how it is worked, right?) and when you have completed the job, you are about to receive your pay but then the client says that they're bankrupt and they cannot pay you, the next thing you know it the job you have been worked on for your client has won an award and all the credit goes to your client and not you... how would you feel?
DeleteBefore you continue saying that this is nothing to world hunger and etc is more important than this try to imagine yourself jobless and with loans and debts to pay, mouths to feed...
If you couldn't even take care of your own necessities how do you expect to be taking care of the greater need?
VFX is a new and unstable industry that has been creating new jobs and opportunity for people to work so they don't have to be begging around in the streets why do you feel the need to be against it???
"Socially diseased"? Wow, there's always at least one asshole who is so desperate to feel moral superiority he or she will shoehorn unrelated injustices into any conversation to try and shame its participants.
DeleteDear asshole: How can you be casually perusing the Internet when such awful things are happening right now? Why aren't you out there picketing? Why aren't you out their donating your time and energy? Why aren't you in Africa soothing militias? Why aren't you spreading peace in the Middle East? All you can do is sit around on your haughty ass pretending you're better than people you don't know, just because you MENTIONED obvious tragedies in the world. Good for you. The starving and oppressed are rejoicing because of your comment. You finally made things easier for them.
And, on the chance you do do nate much of your time and wealth to better causes... DO MORE. Stop fucking around on the Internet and go help until every ounce of you is expended. Until every child is fed and every conflict resolved. Otherwise you are a social disease.
what you said doesn't make this issue irrelevant.
DeleteHoly crap I logged in to tell you how ignorant and rude your comment was but everyone else already did it for me.
DeleteHonest, talented, hard working people literally struggling to provide for their families and livelihoods as artists/entertainers and you come in here and piss on them because hey, there's worse problems in the world? Give me a break.
If McDonald's charged $20 for a happy meal they would go bankrupt. Same for the movie industry. Stop charging almost $15 per ticket and more people could afford to go more often.
ReplyDeleteThat's not the point of this, but you have a point.
DeleteMostly however, you missed the point.
I'll break it down for you simply. The movie ticket price is not the problem, movies are making more money than ever, it's the fact that a large majority of workers that make a tentpole, profitable movie what it is (the visual effects artist) is basically treated worse than the limo drivers and the catering company that serves the production, and likely paid less with less stable jobs/benefits as well.
DeleteThink about it, where would the top 10 grossing movies of all time be without the visual effects people? You have people running around in rubber suits in front of green screens.
ReplyDeleteme.... from indonesia support for all ur fighting for.... hope for a better future for all vfx artist arround the world...
ReplyDeleteIs it possible that there are too many fx houses trying to eke out an existence in too small a market?
ReplyDeleteyeah, i think its part of it if those vfx houses are arming themselves with low salary freshers and underbidding just to get exposure.
DeleteExcellent thread explaning the situation right here:
It's so complicated it's not even funny. Free market AND socialism working against it!
Oh dear gaaaawd!!! Those poor VFX artists!!! Whatever will we do?
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile - Genocide, female mutilation, slavery, whole countries being gouged and trashed for big industry, and so on.
I give less than zero fucks about this.
Tell me if you still feel this way when your livelyhood is crumbling before you. Trolls love to troll.
DeleteIf you care so little then why did you comment?
DeleteOne injustice does not invalidate or trivialize another.
So, I take it you never had a family and children and had your job and livelihood ripped out from under you, while your employer makes off with billions.
DeleteNo? Shut the F up you pretentious prick.
All these comments about the big bad company moving overseas to make more profit ... Are you telling me that if the government taxes and fees and other red tape ran you down to a razor-thin margin, you'd keep your business in this country out of sheer patriotism until it collapsed rather than outsource to a cheaper country? Riiiiiiight.
ReplyDeleteAnd the producers have made themselves heard.
DeleteSounds like poor financial management. Negotiate a better rate and manage your bottom line.
ReplyDeletewow that's genius! SURELY that's NEVER been tried! Thank you whoever you are. Problem all solved. We are saved.
Please read here for why it's not that simple:
Anya Rose; I was about to address Jason and I scrolled down and saw your insightful and heartfelt comment and decided, because you said so much of what I was thinking, not to comment but then that thread that binds me to the underdog tugged and I will comment further. Jason, who made you judge, jury, and executioner? Do you think you're God? Who are you to judge these folks at VFX? You may be at the pinnacle of Maselows Triangle and well able to be a philanthropist but when you have alligators nipping at your ass it's kinda hard to remember that your objective is to drain the swamp. You keep raining on peoples' parades and Karma will rain on yours. VFX folks, I don't know a thing about your craft. I have a friend who is an aspiring animator. I'm a songwriter and story-teller with some ideas for animated screenplays and my friend and I are working together. It's a heavy sled without capital but we're making progress. You all are very talented. Why don't some of you create your own material and projects and share in a way that you CONTROL the product and get a fair share of the profits. If you all organized in the States you would have enough clout to pull this off....So come on...where are your leaders....get busy; It's worth the effort.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Was there any real foul play? Did the big studios break any contracts? Were R&H not paid for work done? If so, they should simply go the legal route (which sucks and is expensive, but is what it's there for), or not, then it's down to poor financial management and poor creatives trying to be business owners.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad, but the issue should be addressed from all fronts instead of blaming "other people".
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteTuism - In almost any other industry, this would be correct. That's the sad part about it. However, in the Arts, if one has a flop, one does not need to pay more than a pittance, in order to keep from going bankrupt, oneself. The Studios take GREAT advantage of this loophole, especially dealing with a non-represented industry, such as VFX.
DeleteYou wouldn't believe, all the high-grossing, award-winning movies, which the Studio Accountants have, creatively, cooked as total flops.
Another factor is, why I am proud that, they even had the courage to protest. If you make waves about the injustice in this town (and a lawsuit would do just that), prepare to be, at least unofficially, blacklisted.
As was pointed out to me, it's just what we need to take the sting out of these hard economic times, isn't it? A bunch of American millionaires giving each other golden statues. Look around you, guys. See the serious shit we're in? The money has run out, and the financial system, entertainment industry and government are now all rotten to the core. There is no secure future there, so you may as well say screw 'em, take your skills, and go indie.
ReplyDeleteVik :v)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow... Now they're intentionally dissing VFX? As a Writer in this town, let me officially welcome VFX to the club of necessary artists, which the Industry sees as expendable.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we all should join forces. That way, maybe we can get a little respect.
But all quips aside...
Say what you will about the old Studio System, ever since it ended and Hollywood has been taken over by Processed Cheese Manufacturers, Telephone Companies and the like, the Chiefs, knowing nothing at all about Art (and yes, it shows) are unaware of how much the people who actually have a hand in making their product are worth. The skill set, which VFX artists must master (not be competent in, but MASTER) is daunting enough, and what knowledge they have, will be obsolete the following year. Add to this the day long shifts, like a sweat shop. And the lack of respect... Producers get respect, even though other people tend to raise the money, these days (read: writers, who have met with investors, themselves, before pitching the Studio). Directors get some pay and respect, even though many just stare at that blasted TV screen and shout, "Cut," today, without actually giving direction. The actors get tons of respect and a LOT of per diem. Some even deserve it. Others just throw temper tantrums all day and threaten to walk out, because there wasn't a mint, left in their trailer (Don't laugh, I've seen it.) Why are the people, who actually do the work involved, shafted for pay and respect (I noticed, when Hathaway thanked everyone, except Boublil and Schoenberg, or even Hugo, would have been nice. Typical Hollywood - Diss the writers, first.)
That someone is doing SKILLED labor and getting shafted is quite the same, across the board.
That said, I found the quip during the Avengers sequence, very telling. If a movie flops, the Studios only have to pay the production team a pittance. The Studios have very creative ways, with their "creative bookkeeping" to say that, even a tremendously successful movie lost money. For example, did you know that all the Harry Potter movies flopped? Hard to believe, yes?
Max Bialystock and Leo Bloom are alive and well, and living in Hollywood.
ReplyDeleteIf they were going to cut people off, why didn't they cut off McFarland, after he started dying up there, instead of letting him flounder on for another twenty minutes, by my watch?
Major award winners get a lot more time to speak - possibly unlimited - because people pay more attention to awards like Best Director or Best Picture than they do to Best Costume Design or Best Visual FX. This is no mystery, that's been going on for years now. People were warned, years before this, and were warned this year, to keep their speeches short so that the Awards ceremony doesn't drag on into its 6th hour. Imperfect timing there may be, but conspiracy there is not.
ReplyDeleteAlso, people who are as excited and as steeped in disbelief at their win as Ang Lee was, many times forget to thank people. Some folks have forgotten to thank mom and dad or spouses. No conspiracy there. And while I understand the anger over the loss of jobs, it was in fact these directors and productions which hired them in the first place to DO those effects, instead of doing what so many others do and outsourcing. Don't be mad at Ang Lee or the guy who took too damn long to get to you. Be mad at the Hollywood execs that run the studios and demand the best work possible for the least amount of money possible.
Because honestly, this griping about what happened at the Academy Awards - which was not malicious or conspiratorial - comes off more as indignant and whiny than anything else, unfortunately, and that shouldn't be the image anyone wants to cultivate.
I don't know why anyone is surprised. VFX and SFX people have been getting laid off and thrown under the rug by Hollywood bigwigs for years now. They'll do ANYTHING to take a penny from the guys working behind the scenes and give it to themselves or their actors.
ReplyDeleteLittle did I know several days ago in my Facebook rant ie-The Oscars means jobs for many...change the channel/find something more important to gripe about)I was too close to the truth.
ReplyDeleteThis is all well and good. Rhythm and Hues is an amazing company with incredible talent. But visual FX has a mainstage award and has for quite some time. In the entire history of the Academy only 3 awards have ever been given to a stunt person. 2 were honorary and one was technical...NONE were given on the mainstage. If every clip you show for the Oscars has stunts in it, why is there no award for them?
ReplyDeleteHow about we digitally make Ang Lee thank the VFX artists?
ReplyDeleteFYI the second image was taken from Jeff Heusser Photographer.
ReplyDeleteSo...changing our pictures will do what, exactly?
ReplyDeleteBig Hollywood studios give a shit about a little facebook picture movement because....?
Who said this was for the studios, don't you think they already know?
DeleteThe first step of change in anything is awareness. The "green square" social network phenomena has already started hitting major news outlets and the issues behind it.
Nice opinion management
ReplyDeleteI love this. All this uproar over some layoffs within a hollywood FX company. Where were you when the thousands and millions of people were laid off since the economic collapse?
ReplyDeleteWhere were you then? Or did you all need mass produced television to alert you to the plight of the workforce?
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteGreat to know that the American people are so informed that people who weren't laid off only manage to care when it's somehow brought up on a major television event.
ReplyDeleteI feel really bad for the people of the FX studio. As someone who has personally gone through a layoff (My first job, after three years of loyalty to the company), I know how those people can feel, especially if they have a family and kids. And I wish those people the absolute best of luck.
But beyond that, I am absolutely sickened by the fact that anyone else failed to realize or take notice of layoffs until it becomes connected to the fucking GRAMMY's. Seriously? Noone cares until now? How much good did that do me? or the thousands and millions of other people in the country? Where was your protest then? And what about the poor people of that studio? Too little, too late. Thanks America. Keep watching your Honey Boo Boo and (insert random reality stupid low braincell idiot show here). Stay classy America.
A friend shared this on FB - I had absolutely no idea. Unbelievable. Fight the good fight, people. The VFX in Life of Pi were breathtaking. Shared!
ReplyDeleteyou dumbasses.. that isnt how it works.. you dont get paid off the success of a movie.. you get paid to do that one movie.. then if its succesful you get hired to do more movies.. thats how a company like an effects company grows.. you probably had to file bankruptcy because the guy who owns it is a conman.. shit head greedy bitch.. you dont get paid in dividends if the movie does well.. idiots..
ReplyDelete"that isn't how it works.."
Deleteand you are who to declare something like that?
And you realize this is a problem with the whole industry model, not just that company, right? It's every studio, and this is the biggest one so far.
You obviously don't really know what you're talking about, so here:
Are we sure that's what the green square is?
I support this so much
ReplyDeleteThis is the first I have heard of the protest...amazing what the press/media will show/hide. Thanks for this informative post and kudos on going viral! Saw R.G.'s post about this on SM and scooted on over.
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ReplyDeleteCan any one please explain!!!! Please read the "good news for a successful R&H Studio in Taiwan," for the movie Live of Pi, which vfx and filming came out of Taiwan!!!! Here is the link, I do not get it.
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I'd think a simpler clarification is that all this was in truth about getting Coburn to shut up and let the vote occur, and that Mikulski and other senators favored to offer us as a very small and reasonably priced sacrifice instead of having to meet superior, more substantive demands.
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ReplyDeleteوعلى مشارف مدينة اسطنبول، ظهرت العديد من التطورات الجدية في العقارات، وبأسعار أقل مع عوائد ايجار تصل إلى 8% سنويا. وأسعارها تبدأ من 50 ألف يورو لوحدة سكنية من غرفة نوم واحدة، بسعر 1500 دولار إلى 2000 دولار للمتر المربع الواحد.
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ReplyDeleteظروفها غالبا ما تكون سئية للغاية ومعظم ساكنيها ليس لديهم أي سندات ملكية سليمة. منذ العام 2005، قامت الحكومة التركية باستهداف هذه الأنواع من المنازل في اطار مبادرة ” التطوير والتحول الحضري “، حيث يتم تشجيع المصممين ومهندسي المعمار على اعادة تطوير تلك الشوارع وتلك المنازل العشوائية لتصبح مساكن حديثة وفخمة وعصرية. مشروعات التحول الحضري في اسطنبول نفذت بالفعل في عدة مناطق مثل بومونتي في مدينة شيشلس، وأجزاء من بيوغلو وكاراكوي. المبادرة أثبتت نجاحها بزيادة القيمة المضافة للعقارات ورفع شأن ومكانة الأحياء القديمة في اسطنبول لتصبح متطورة.
وعلى مشارف مدينة اسطنبول، ظهرت العديد من التطورات الجدية في العقارات، وبأسعار أقل مع عوائد ايجار تصل إلى 8% سنويا. وأسعارها تبدأ من 50 ألف يورو لوحدة سكنية من غرفة نوم واحدة، بسعر 1500 دولار إلى 2000 دولار للمتر المربع الواحد.
وبمقارنة هذه العقارات بمنزل فخم في شيشلي، حيث يمكن أن يصل المتر المربع الواحد إلى 10 آلاف دولار وما يزيد، بالإضافة إلى ذلك ان بعض هذه المساكن بنيت بشكل كامل بحيث لا تجد شيء ناقص فيها ترغبه.
ومع تحسين شبكات النقل والمواصلات عن أي وقت مضي مثل المتروباص ونظام المترو الجديد، هذه البلدات السريعة النمو و المتطورة لم يعد شيء بعيد عنها وتتطور بسرعة أكبر في إسطنبول.
بكونها موطنا لما يقرب من مليون نسمة، فمئات الجنسيات والأديان المختلفة تذوب داخل اسطنبول وتتشارك شيء واحد وهو أنها ترغب في الاستفادة من تلك المدينة وعقاراتها المذهلة على وجه الخصوص..
اسطنبول المتحركة والمتفاعلة هي واحدة من أكبر المراكز الاقتصادية والسياسية والثقافية الأكثر أهمية في نصف الكرة الشمالي. إن قيم العقارات في اسطنبول ارتفعت أكثر من240 % ما بين عامي و2012، وذلك يرجع للتطورات العقارية والمجتمعية والحكومية ذات الجودة العالية التي شهدتها المدينة.
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ReplyDeleteظروفها غالبا ما تكون سئية للغاية ومعظم ساكنيها ليس لديهم أي سندات ملكية سليمة. منذ العام 2005، قامت الحكومة التركية باستهداف هذه الأنواع من المنازل في اطار مبادرة ” التطوير والتحول الحضري “، حيث يتم تشجيع المصممين ومهندسي المعمار على اعادة تطوير تلك الشوارع وتلك المنازل العشوائية لتصبح مساكن حديثة وفخمة وعصرية. مشروعات التحول الحضري في اسطنبول نفذت بالفعل في عدة مناطق مثل بومونتي في مدينة شيشلس، وأجزاء من بيوغلو وكاراكوي. المبادرة أثبتت نجاحها بزيادة القيمة المضافة للعقارات ورفع شأن ومكانة الأحياء القديمة في اسطنبول لتصبح متطورة.
وعلى مشارف مدينة اسطنبول، ظهرت العديد من التطورات الجدية في العقارات، وبأسعار أقل مع عوائد ايجار تصل إلى 8% سنويا. وأسعارها تبدأ من 50 ألف يورو لوحدة سكنية من غرفة نوم واحدة، بسعر 1500 دولار إلى 2000 دولار للمتر المربع الواحد.
وبمقارنة هذه العقارات بمنزل فخم في شيشلي، حيث يمكن أن يصل المتر المربع الواحد إلى 10 آلاف دولار وما يزيد، بالإضافة إلى ذلك ان بعض هذه المساكن بنيت بشكل كامل بحيث لا تجد شيء ناقص فيها ترغبه.
ومع تحسين شبكات النقل والمواصلات عن أي وقت مضي مثل المتروباص ونظام المترو الجديد، هذه البلدات السريعة النمو و المتطورة لم يعد شيء بعيد عنها وتتطور بسرعة أكبر في إسطنبول.
بكونها موطنا لما يقرب من مليون نسمة، فمئات الجنسيات والأديان المختلفة تذوب داخل اسطنبول وتتشارك شيء واحد وهو أنها ترغب في الاستفادة من تلك المدينة وعقاراتها المذهلة على وجه الخصوص..
اسطنبول المتحركة والمتفاعلة هي واحدة من أكبر المراكز الاقتصادية والسياسية والثقافية الأكثر أهمية في نصف الكرة الشمالي. إن قيم العقارات في اسطنبول ارتفعت أكثر من240 % ما بين عامي و2012، وذلك يرجع للتطورات العقارية والمجتمعية والحكومية ذات الجودة العالية التي شهدتها المدينة.
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